
Successfully Maneuvering Through Post Foreclosure Evictions and Rentals

By Sandra Gottlieb and Cyrus Koochek, SwedelsonGottlieb, Community Association Attorneys

Many California condominium and homeowner associations end up with units and homes after foreclosing on assessment liens with no third-party bidders at the foreclosure sales. With increased equity, we are seeing more third-party bidders at sales. But that still leaves a lot of associations in the position of being landlords. And many boards do not know the first thing about being a landlord.

This summer, firm partner Sandra Gottlieb and associate Cyrus Koochek wrote an article that was published in CACM’s Law Journal entitled “Successfully Maneuvering Through Post Foreclosure Evictions and Rentals”. Their article provides guidelines for dealing with issues such as compliance with legal requirements, preparing for tenants, lease terms and rent skimming laws. Follow this link to read their informative article, especially if your association owns or may be in the process of taking ownership of any unit or home.

Sandra Gottlieb can be contacted via email:

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