
How Much Can a Community Association Management Company Charge for Escrow Transfer Disclosure Documents? Whatever the Competitive Forces of the Market Will Allow

Brown v. Professional Community Management, Inc.,
Berryman v. Merit Property Management, Inc., and
Fowler v. M & C Association Management Services, Inc.

A question that we are often asked is, “How much can the association or its management company charge for the work done to complete the association’s escrow disclosure requirements?” The Davis-Stirling Act, which governs California community associations, specifically covers document transfer disclosure when an association member is selling his or her property. The Code does not specify any limits on what can be charged for providing hard copies of all of the documents and disclosures. This has led to disputes. Fortunately, we have three appellate court decisions that have come down over the last decade that have clarified and confirmed what fees can be charged to owners and by whom.

Download our full article on this subject by SwedelsonGottlieb attorneys David Swedelson and Cyrus Koochek.

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